03 June 2024

From the Government Gazette and Media Statements (3 June 2024)



  • Although, at the time of writing, none of the new Acts had been gazetted (their status therefore remaining unclear), separate Presidency media statements announced that the following Bills have been signed into law:



  • A ‘next-generation radio frequency spectrum policy for economic development’ was gazetted – replacing government’s 2010 spectrum policy and informed by input received on proposals released in September 2022. According to a media statement on the Cabinet meeting at which the new policy was approved, it is expected to:
    • ‘address gaps and limitations … identified in the 2016 National Information and Communications Technology White Paper’, and
    • lay the foundation for amendments to ‘relevant sections’ of the Electronic Communications Act, 2005.
  • A final national policy framework for ‘efficiently’ managing and utilising data ‘through cloud computing technologies’ was also published. According to the document’s executive summary:
    • the policy framework is underpinned by four ‘key principles’:
      • ‘accelerating the rollout of digital infrastructure to ensure fast, secure, and reliable broadband connectivity’
      • ‘ensuring data privacy and security’
      • ‘promoting open data and data interoperability’, and
      • ‘adopting a cloud-first approach’.
    • ‘primary goals’ and overarching objectives include:
      • enhancing ‘government service delivery and foster socio-economic development’ by:
        • ‘promoting data-driven decision-making’
        • ‘creating data-based tradable goods and services’, and 
        • supporting ‘an emerging digital economy’
    • ‘capacity building and skills development to encourage the adoption of cloud technologies and data management practices across all sectors’
    • creating ‘a robust data economy that contributes to the growth of the ICT sector and the overall economy’
    • ‘increased government operational efficiency’, and
    • ‘enhanced’ private sector innovation and competitiveness.



  • The Department of Basic Education gazetted and subsequently withdrew universal minimum norms and standards for the infrastructure of all state-run schools.



  • Uniform Rules of Courts Rule 35 and Magistrates’ Courts Rules Rule 23 (together dealing with the discovery, inspection and production of documents) are being evaluated and reviewed. With that in mind, the Rules Board for Courts of Law issued a notice calling for public comment on various issues – including ‘the impact of the current rules for discovery on litigation costs and how these costs may be reduced to facilitate access to justice’.


Prepared by Pam Saxby


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